Digital Business: Cloud, Data Centers & Digital Transformation

25 & 26 February 2021

Free Online Attendance

At a time when the concept of digital transformation (Digital Transformation) has become more important than ever, it is now understood that entrepreneurship requires an understanding of the use of digital technologies in order to upgrade the operations of organizations and businesses.

Digital transformation is the integration of digital technology in all areas of a business, substantially changing the way it operates, providing value to customers

Businesses and Organizations are promoting their digital transformation and cloud computing technologies with a common goal: to improve the efficiency of their IT and processes and to integrate them more closely into business innovations.

Innovation is the hallmark of technology. In a digitally connected world, the amount of data generated every day is increasing exponentially. In this data-driven modern age, it is imperative to have a reliable and secure IT infrastructure where this data can be stored and processed effectively.

The cloud is becoming more and more a differentiating factor. According to an IDC study, more than 80% of companies worldwide already use cloud services and cloud technology, and the rest are taking it seriously.

Cloud computing has evolved into a huge and complex ecosystem of technologies, products and services. Creating a multi billion dollar economy where many cloud providers compete for an ever-expanding cloud market share.

According to IDC forecasts, global spending on private cloud services and data centers is projected to double over the next five years. It increases from $ 229 billion run rate in 2019 to almost $ 500 billion by 2023.

Data has become a key asset of businesses and their utilization is key to productivity and competitiveness.

At the same time, businesses are being called upon to become more digitally flexible and turn to cloud computing in order to respond to the new conditions that have arisen. This in turn leads to the need for greater utilization and development of data centers.

Developments in the field of cloud and data centers will be the central axis on which the Digital Business: Cloud – Data Centers & Digital Transformation conference organized by Smart Press will move.

We will explore the transformational technologies that are shaping the Data Center and Cloud industry in the region. The new hybrid models of Data Center and Cloud will emphasize on implementation challenges pertaining to data traffic level, security, speed and cost. This two-day conference will bring to the fore how cutting-edge solutions like edge computing, AI, analytics and deep learning will open the doors to a new dimension of data-storage solutions.

An issue of particular interest to Greece, given that investments in both cloud infrastructure and existing and new large Data Centers are such that will bring the country to the international forefront in terms of data storage and utilization, which could be described as “digital gold”.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • The movements of large multinational groups in the field of Data Centers
  • Types of cloud services: Iaas, Paas, Saas
  • Types of Cloud development: Public, Private and hybrid
  • Data Center Tier Classification Levels
  • The best choice of cloud services to make the best use of their data.
  • How Greek companies have begun to turn more and more towards data utilization.
  • Basic principles to be followed for the implementation of digital transformation in companies and organizations.

Who is it for?

Digital Business: Cloud – Data Centers & Digital Transformation is aimed at those who want to understand the trends, evaluate developments and take advantage of Digital Business development opportunities such as:

  • Entrepreneurs, CEO and CIO
  • Executives of Informatics and Operations of Businesses and Organizations.
  • Implementation companies of digital transformation solutions
  • Executives of Public and Municipal Organizations
  • Executives of Public Utility Companies
  • Regulators and Government Officials
  • Students, University Professors

as well as to anyone wishing to be informed about the above technologies